Payment Authorization
Your payment will be processed electronically. If your payment date falls on a weekend or a holiday your payment will process the following business day. If you have any questions, please call our office toll free at 888-599-6333.
By submitting this form you authorize a charge to the account you entered in the amount stated, and you affirm that you are authorized in every respect to complete this transaction.
If your payment is for less than the current balance owing on the account shown, you understand that our collection and/or litigation efforts may continue. Your payment is made without condition. Any conditions on payment that you submit in the fields above are void. If you wish to discuss possible settlement arrangements, please do so by contacting your account representative during normal business hours at (866) 356-3838.
Your payment will be applied to the account number shown above. You may have other accounts being handled by our firm under different accounts numbers. You may check the balance on any additional accounts or make payments by returning to the main page at and entering the separate account numbers.
Johnson Mark LLC and HealPay may use the email address you provided to communicate with you about your file and your Portal account. You can change your communication preferences at anytime in Account Settings.
Please call us toll-free during business hours if you have any questions or concerns.
(866) 356-3838.
I affirm that the payment information I provided is correct, and I agree to the terms stated above.
This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. This communication is from a debt collector.